U poslednje vreme, nekih godinu ili malo više, pokušala sam da se malo distanciram od svakodnevnog pretraživanja net-a i čitanja raznih tekstova na temu “posebnih potreba”. Pre nekog vremena, kontaktirala me je jedna baka, zabrinuta za zdravlje svoje male unuke, sinoć dobijem mail od devojke koja je sadržaj sa bloga iskoristila za diplomski rad na Faklutetu Političkih nauka, danas sam sa taksistom, komentarišući lokaciju stanovanja i vrtića takođe razgovarala o ovoj temi, i on je imao svoje viđenje. Ovo me je sve potaklo da vam svima preporučim neke blogove koji nisu novi, ali sam sigurna da ih niko od vas koji mene čitate nije nikad video. Ne znam ni jedan blog iz Srbije koji se bavi istom temom, znam dva-tri iz Hrvatske i jedan iz BIH, no ovog puta ću vam preporučiti one na koje sam ja prvo naišla, svi su naravno, na engleskom jeziku.
1. Grupni blog, jako dobra ideja, žao mi je što u poslednje vreme nema mnogo postova
Postcards from Holland is a group blog for families of children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses, or any physical or mental disability, and those that have lost children.
It was conceived as a creative and therapeutic outlet for parents to express their thoughts on living a family life different than the one we all envisioned. Writing is a wonderful way of working your way through the challenges of the medically-obsessed or therapy-driven life, as well as celebrating the successes.
Title inspired by Emily Perl Kingsley.
2. Ovaj je blog nekako najsličniji mom, i zaista ga mnooogo volim.
A condition in which onlookers and people in the community tell parents how terrible life must be raising a physically challenged child. This condition manifests itself through pity and audible sighing of those around you. Terrible Palsy can be deceiving because you can be asymptomatic for weeks, months, or even years, and then just when you and your family are feeling really good about your child, it can present itself in the form of a condescending pat on the head or a blessing from an anonymous busybody. Best known treatment is to carry a list of snappy comebacks in your pocket or a large bag of peanut M & Ms.Sometimes, your worst fears – when realised – are not so bad after all. Life changes, but not always in a negative way. This blog is about a family coming to terms with having a child with a physical disability and the journey along the way . . .
3. Izuzetan mladić, jedan pogled iznutra, meni je to vrlo vredno.
Growing up with Disability These are my reflections on my interview project. I am recording the stories of people living with disabilities. Personal, real stories – be they humorous, sad, angry, fun, or … whatever!
I am 21 years old and am taking a year away from college to pursue this project. I like sports, music, travel, and conversation. And, I have cerebral palsy. I believe society often underestimates the complexity of living with a disability – the joys, the challenges, the ordinary, and the extraordinary.
4. Božanstvena inspirativna priča, puna sjajnih saveta kako da živite dan za danom.
Special Needs Mom
When Zoe was just a baby, we sought the opinion of the professionals involved in her care. Asking her physicians and therapists “ What are your expectations? Will she ever walk, or talk? They were the experts, back then, and there was only their opinion.And so we held her, nurtured her, worked with her, cried with her, fought for her and protected her. She has grown into a happy, three-year old little girl. And now, I believe, it is the expectations that we,her parents have of her- that will define her. We have become the experts. We can empower and strengthen her, by helping her develop her capabilities. By expecting her to try, before she determines she is unable to accomplish something. By expecting her to practice, before she determines she cannot learn a new task. By expecting her to pursue her interests, experience new things and develop her abilities and talents so that she will live a passion filled life.
5. Ova me devojčica podseća na Vanjinu drugaricu iz vrtića, čija je majka, negde, moj real life idol.
Lovely and Amazing
This is the story of a life less ordinary… a story of my journey with Miss Emma Jayne and the story of our evolution as we walk the road less traveled
Emma was born with Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome. As with all children the future is hers to make and her potential is infinite.
Emma has Down syndrome, Down syndrome doesn’t have her.